Sunday, April 24, 2005

98.5 Yessssss!!!!! My second to last weekend and i spent it unconscious and sweating through my matress. Living only off of chicken noodle soup and advil. Not my best plans to date.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

step away from the trouble

I wish i had someone to scold me when i do stupid things. It might make it easier not to do them...but actually, probably not. I'd just start keeping my bad decisions a secret at the first sign of judgment.

I really didn't think this one through did i?

When the Rain comes

I have my plane ticket. May 3rd. Depending on how much money I am making, I might come back a little earlier this year. I'm thinking at maybe at the end of June beginning of July. I'll be homeless though and so it might not make sense in the long run. Anyway...we'll see, someone within 6 degrees is bound to have a room that i could rent. Or I could just set my tent up on the mountain...what's another few weeks sleeping on the ground.
It's raining today and I am savouring the fact that I don't have to go outside and stand in it for 10 hours if i don't feel like it...which i don't.

On a different note, I've been having panic attacks about babies. I'm not sure why. Well...I am actually but i don't want to get into it.

Monday, April 18, 2005


I set two alarms. I turned two fucking alarms off in my goddamn sleep. Now because of fucking autopilot I get a big fucking ZERO on my project which is now only a reminder of how much sunshine, sleep and sanity i've in fact wasted on it. It would have been that anyway but the fucking awesome grade i would have gotten on it would have made it seem like it was less of a waste of everything that you could possible waste (including 20$ in photocopies) I could be more mad at myself if i wasn't livid with the fucking teacher who's "0 if handed in after class" policy is like the Guillotine of teaching practices. You loose 10% every hour until the last hour where you loose the next 80%. Chop! ok i am more mad at myself. Idiot.

Ha! this blog is tuning into a showcase of all the supid things that i do. I'm hopeless. Awesome!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

cursed digital crap

ARRRRGh I just erased a bunch of pictures from last night by accident. stupid digital. There's still a bunch, but none of the actual fondue eating action. I don't know what i was doing. I hate it when i zone out while I'm doing important things. This is why i shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery.


that was the most fun i've had in ages. my stomach hurts from laughing.

the problems only started when I started seeing things and couldn't hear anything. That never happens to me and i really didn't like the loss of control. (I blame the bowl.) All i could see were us and a bunch of old men...fucking pirate. now my lungs feel like cancer, i'm agitated) and i wish i had someone to cuddle.

I think I'm going to pretend it was two nights. I think it is better that way.

(sorry if i was a downer, I wasn't ready for the public)


Friday, April 15, 2005

Bowling ...yessssss!

Bowling is awesome. I came in second last, second first, then last. It's an under rated game. I want to start a league. We would lose but we would get drunk and fun. Bowling=Super!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Sn Cty

Sometimes a dame's gotta get a few buckets out before it's all ok.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


He held me like a baby and i sobbed in his arms until his shoulder was wet. i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry.
Forgive me. He says yes and spends the night.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Monday, April 11, 2005

Train Wreck

I'm a jerk

Hey! They told me it came from Trees!

hmmm...interesting no?

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Stuff and Stuff.(Girls 2)

This is a brief rundown of my day...

Went to breakfast
Went second hand shopping
Witnessed a second breakfast
Sat in the park and called Majik Phone...nothing exciting happened there.
Went for first drink at 4:30 at Missy bar and chased the sun down the block with our table
Went to reservoir for the first time in a year had two or three's still good. Just checking.
Went and visited Viv at her work had absi(y)nth(sp) for the first time ever.
Had my makeup done. Drank beer. BLack eyeliner is fun
Went to Korova. (I'm am far from discreet)
Did some of this

Went to an after party.
Went to Viv and Lenore house for no good reason.
Everyone in their right minds goes to bed and what do we do? We say "fuck it" and go and drink Heineken at the look out until like 11 am.
I finally get to sleep when Mara wakes me up for breakfast. Sure I could have said no and gone back to sleep but then what kind of story would that be? So i went to breakfast.

And that's that.


made out with a girl all night on the dan ce floor. I am silly.,

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Which way to Hull?

i have three weeks until moving day...i have to start meeting some buff guys...or some scrawny guys who would actually help me move. All mine are scrawny and lazy or busy...but hey, maybe I'll meet Mary Poppins before then..i for one am keeping my fingers crossed.

Friday, April 08, 2005


I decorated a photo boothwith streamers and bows and took pictures of myself holding a happy birthday banner and eating birthday cake to send to my play friend in BC. The lady who was waiting to take a health card picture must have been irritated with me until she saw all the streamers and called me adorable. I photocopied it and might use it as an invitation next year. Yessss!


As of tomorrow morning..I am alone on the continent. Alone. My parents are flying to Australia to visit my sister and to have their second family vacation without me.
Fear of being.

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Definition: Dendrophobia refers to an abnormal and persistent fear of trees.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

five night stand

Townes is super. This album is super.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Lazy Flies

I have become a lazy fan. I still haven't run out to buy Beck's new album. I've been getting alot of flack from the fan club. There was a time i would have braved the sleet and snow, but i don't care as much these days. Plus i just can't stop with the bluegrass and country these days. I'm addicted. It's getting to be kind of too much... i would stick it in my veins i could.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Woo Hoo (tenanny)!!!

Carolyn Mark's Hootenanny was in town at the Divan Orange and it was just as spectacular as I'd imagined. It was kind of like a high class bluegrass night. It was great but really weird seeing Oh Susanna get up, do three songs, then get off the stage...if Matt Large(singer and guitar in Notre Dame de Grass) wasn't up after her i may just have started a riot! It was the best show I've seen in a while hands down. I was thrilled. It really reminded me that I have been neglecting Bluegrass night as the only thing I've seen at Barfly in the last 5 months has been thursday Jazz. Sooooo regardless of whether or not this last weekend was the most debaucherous of my entire life (which it was) I went on Sunday and (miracle of miracles) sang some harmony. Now i seem to be housing a citrus fruit sized swollen gland on one side of my throat...!I can't wait till the bars are non-smoking because apparently will power isn't working for me these days!

Saturday, April 02, 2005


oh, and i threw up. But it wasn't that bad because apparently i was only there in body not mind.

juvenile delinquent  

I woke up (alone) in a bed with no sheets or blankets that i have no recollection getting in to/on to. I have a hangover that could climb mount everest (before global warming) including morning-after crying eyes... I am hanging my head in whiskey shame and i'm doing it all again tonight. Awesome.