Sunday, April 10, 2005

Stuff and Stuff.(Girls 2)

This is a brief rundown of my day...

Went to breakfast
Went second hand shopping
Witnessed a second breakfast
Sat in the park and called Majik Phone...nothing exciting happened there.
Went for first drink at 4:30 at Missy bar and chased the sun down the block with our table
Went to reservoir for the first time in a year had two or three's still good. Just checking.
Went and visited Viv at her work had absi(y)nth(sp) for the first time ever.
Had my makeup done. Drank beer. BLack eyeliner is fun
Went to Korova. (I'm am far from discreet)
Did some of this

Went to an after party.
Went to Viv and Lenore house for no good reason.
Everyone in their right minds goes to bed and what do we do? We say "fuck it" and go and drink Heineken at the look out until like 11 am.
I finally get to sleep when Mara wakes me up for breakfast. Sure I could have said no and gone back to sleep but then what kind of story would that be? So i went to breakfast.

And that's that.


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