Monday, March 28, 2005

prayer circle

I do alot of things to please the people i love. This apparently now includes going to a Woman's Breakfast at 9am on a Saturday morning and singing hymns at said breakfast (which actually turned out to be a Woman's PRAYER Breakfast).
I mean...I love my mother but I really don't like being tricked all that much. On the other hand, i do love the new shoes she bought me after the praying. It does pay to be a sweet and loving daughter. I knew I was one for a reason.

Friday, March 25, 2005

N is for boredom

Neville and i should really have hung out more. Good kid.

Now Neville i can do without. I was too motivated for him so we just didn't get along. Some people just can't take all the ambition, you know?

Anxiety Attacks All Around...ok just for me then.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


My dad had cataract surgery today. He'll be fine but he has to wear a patch and of course just couldn't refrain from "Yar!!"-ing


we're all gonna die.


I just woke up to a great song about falling out of love being a tedious thing...oh i should have written some of these songs. I'm just as bitter and sullen as the next person.
I used to have my radio set to Mix 96, but i decided to change her up because my soft spot for pop music is not so soft these days and i'm finding it all a little less funny and a little more irritating. Oh my hardened soul and lost youth. Ha. Drama Queen.


I don't know about this whole blog thing...i just don't know. I just wanted to join in on the fun. You know...all that wonderfull blogging fun. But i haven't quite decided what i am going to put on here and who i will tell about it. Maybe I'll keep it a secret like all the other little secrets i hoard and brew up until they explode in a burst of glory. Maybe it will be like that. Yes. This is the plan.